J Multidiscip Care. 2021;10(2): 80-86. doi: 10.34172/jmdc.2021.16

Original Article

Design and Standardization of Infertile Women Self-care Tools

Masoumeh Foroughameri 1 ORCID, Mohammad Hatami 2 * ORCID, Amin Rafiepour 3 ORCID, Mojgan Nicknam 4 ORCID

Cited by CrossRef: 0

1- Yahyavi Koochaksaraei F, Simbar M, Faramarzi M, Khoshnoodifar M, Nasiri M. The effectiveness of multimedia mental health self-care program based on cyber space on the mental health of infertile women: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychol. 2024;12(1) [Crossref]


Dr. Mohammad Rahimi-Madiseh 




Prof. Ali Hasanpour Dehkordi 

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