J Multidiscip Care. 2023;12(3): 111-116. doi: 10.34172/jmdc.1230

Original Article

The effect of assertiveness-based empowerment on professional commitment and moral courage of nurses working in Shahrekord educational hospitals

Azadeh Nouroozi 1 ORCID, Shahram Etemadifar 2 ORCID, Fatemeh Deris 3 ORCID, Shirmohammad Davoodvand 2 * ORCID

Cited by CrossRef:

1- Abou El yazied L, Hassan R, Badran F. Developing bullying prevention guidelines for nurse interns’ and its effects on their assertiveness. BMC Nurs. 2024;23(1) [Crossref]


Dr. Mohammad Rahimi-Madiseh 




Prof. Ali Hasanpour Dehkordi 

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